Magor Baptist Church

Newsletter for 14th - 24th March 2025

Sunday 16th, morning service at 11.00 a.m.

Upcoming events

Sunday 16th, morning service at 11.00 a.m.

Sunday 16th, Sudbrook Fellowship, chapel opposite pumping station, 3.30 p.m.

Monday 17th, Church AGM and Church Meeting, 7.30 p.m.

Sunday 23rd, morning service, 11.00 a.m.

Monday 24th, church prayer meeting, 7.30 p.m. in the Blue Room - all welcome

From Mark

Election of Deacons and Officers


This will take place at the church AGM on March 17th.  Deacons are nominated for a 3 year period. Officers are nominated annually.


Three nominations have been received for deacon:

  • Andrew Leighton and Christine Miles, who both are eligible for a second term of 3 years

  • Suzie Roberts


Two nominations have been received for officers:

  • John Loebl has been nominated for Treasurer

  • Kathy Allen has been nominated for Secretary


Here are the agendas for both the AGM and the ordinary church meeting that follows it:


Easter Eggs

It's that time of year again! We will be giving away 200 EASTER EGGS outside chapel, on April 5th, along with invitations to our Easter services. So please start adding EASTER EGGS to your shopping list and bring them to chapel during March. Just £2-3 size, any variety. Thank you!

March Charity Offering - CAP (Christians Against Poverty)

Christians Against Poverty has been providing free professional debt help through local churches across the UK since 1996. Across the UK, millions of people are experiencing a poverty crisis, leaving them feeling trapped, desolate and abandoned. Every day people discover hope as they begin to work with CAP and their local church. Tens of thousands of lives have been positively impacted through the powerful combination of practical help, restorative church communities and Jesus’ love.


Waste Management

Please note that arrangements are in place for the different kinds of waste to be put out for collection on certain days. To make it easier for the willing volunteers, they may be putting the waste out during the day before the collection. The council can be collecting any time up 4 p.m. on collection day. If you notice items waiting for collection please leave them where they are ready for the council. Thank You.

Two Book Reviews of Timothy Keller, ‘The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness’

I felt a bit confused at the beginning.  My mind wondering what is this all about!? Then my thoughts went on different paths.  Paul’s description possibly about my own personal development or thinking about what is going on in our hearts and minds in any given moment.


Self-esteem, ego, self-worth all play a part and sometimes take over. “My conscience is clear but that doesn’t make me innocent,”  is what Paul said, and it does apply to me, is what really stood out.


So, I will continue to re-think (re-examine) my thoughts. Psalm 139:23-24 will be helpful to remember.


Psalm 139:23-24, New International Version - UK

23 Search me, God, and know my heart;

test me and know my anxious thoughts.

24 See if there is any offensive way in me,

and lead me in the way everlasting.


Jane Matthews

When reading this pocket size book, it was comforting to believe that being human, (i.e. worried about what others think of you, trying not to beat yourself up over people’s conflicts), can be liberating if you just ask God to show you your heart, not loving or hating yourself too much.  Having close friendly conversations with the Lord will take you away from being self absorbed, and knowing that there is always someone worse off than yourself. The booklet was truly a ‘passage to freedom’ read.


Jenny Tilton

Two concerts that could be of interest


Saturday 29th March, Chepstow Choral Society, 7.30 p.m. at St Mary's, Chepstow:  "The Gift to Sing"


Saturday 4th April, Cwmbran Baroque Singers, 7.30 p.m. at St John the Baptist Church, Risca Rd, Newport: " Brahms - A German Requiem"

Bridge Christian Counselling update

At their last meeting the Bridge's Trustees found themselves using the term 'Infrastructure Growth'. As an example, if we are to attract more clients, we are going to need more counsellors! So, a big part of desire for growth involves more ... of counsellors, supervisors, admin volunteers, trustees, AND finances, especially through a monthly standing order. We would love to hear from members of your congregations, who would like to commit time or finance to support our ministry. For over 33 years the Lord has provided for all our needs - maybe he's nudging some of you, in our Newport churches! You can contact Bridge by email: or phone 01633 258729.

Newport Churches Together