Magor Baptist Church

Newsletter for 17th to 27th January 2025

Sunday 19th, morning service at 11.00 a.m.

Upcoming events

Sunday 19th, morning service at 11.00 a.m with Rev Dr Helen Paynter from Bristol Baptist College

Monday 20th, Church Members’ Meeting, 7.30 p.m.

Sunday 26th, morning service at 11.00 a.m.

Sunday 26th, Sudbrook Fellowship, chapel opposite pumping station, 3.30 p.m.

Monday 27th, church prayer meeting, 7.30 p.m. in the Blue Room - all welcome

I’ve written a short piece for this week’s newsletter entitled ‘Imagine and Jimmy Carter’:

Online BMS Church Partner Event - Next week!


Next week BMS will be holding their special online event for churches who are partnered with workers in sensitive countries.


“This will be a celebration and opportunity to hear an update of what God is doing in some of the hardest places. We’re delighted that we will have two people with direct experience of the difference your support have made to them on the call too. We will also be providing practical how-to ideas of how to communicate with your worker and encourage them with tips from former workers. We’ll also be hearing from you about what could make the connection with your workers even better. We will then have an opportunity to spend some time praying together.


“We’d love you to come with ideas of what is working with our partnership and what isn’t so that we can learn together.”


The online event will be held on:

Monday 20 January 12.30 p.m. - 1.30 p.m. Book here

and Wednesday 22 January 7.30 - 8.30 p.m. Book here

Each session will have the same content. Just click on the link above to book your place.

Church Directory for 2025

Would all church members please check that we have your correct contact details for the soon-to-be-published directory. Please speak to John Loebl if your phone number has changed.

Church Members’ Meeting - Monday 20th

Please use the buttons below to download minutes of last meeting and agenda.

June Lewington and Joyce Escott


Arrangements for June’s funeral, on Friday 31st January, are as follows:

2.00 p.m. at Crematorium

2.30 p.m. (or probably a little later in reality) at Church

Refreshments to follow


Arrangements for Joyce’s funeral, on Thursday 13th February, are as follows:

10.00 a.m. at Church

11.00 a.m. at Crematorium

Refreshments to follow

January Communion Offering - MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship)

MAF is a Christian mission organisation that uses planes to overcome the barriers where a community has no safe roads and little access to the outside world. It is the world’s largest humanitarian air operator, enabling more than 1,400 aid, development and mission organisations to bring medical care, emergency relief and long-term development. “For over 75 years we have been flying light aircraft over jungles, mountains, swamps and deserts. Our pilots and personnel deliver relief workers, doctors, pastors, school books, food, medicines – everything that can only be safely and speedily transported by air. Our supporters give and pray to make this all possible. With an MAF plane taking off or landing every six minutes, the need is huge. Will you partner with us?”

Dementia Friends


Following a talk to Ladies’ Friendship in the autumn from the Alzheimer Society, we have been able to arrange for a Dementia Ambassador to lead some Awareness sessions.  These session are designed to help us to understand some of the problems that people coping with Dementia may have and how we can make interaction easier for all.


Both session are to be held on Thursday February 13th; they are identical sessions. The afternoon session is from 1.30 p.m. - 3 p.m. and the evening session is from 7.30 p.m. - 9 p.m.


If you are interested in coming to either session please contact Christine Miles.


See the notice below for more details.

Used Postage Stamps


What do you do with your used postage stamps? Do you throw them away? Now you can save your stamps for the RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) who turn the stamps into much-needed funds to help people living with sight loss. This will make a difference to sight impaired (partially sighted) and severely sight impaired (blind) people.


When saving your stamps, trim carefully around them, leaving approximately one centimetre of paper around them. Place them in the coloured box at the back of the church (on the windowsill, near the book stand) – I’ll do the rest!


Many thanks, Davina