Magor Baptist Church

Newsletter for 20th December 2024 to 6th January 2025

Sunday 22nd

Nativity for Everyone at 11.00 a.m.

Carols by Candlelight at 6.00 p.m.

Christmas Day

Fun for Everyone, 10.00 a.m.

Sunday 29th

Morning service, 11.00 a.m.

New Year’s Day

Quiet reflection from 3 p.m., communion at 4 p.m.

Upcoming events

Sunday 22nd, Nativity for Everyone, 11.00 a.m.

Sunday 22nd, Carols by Candlelight, 6.00 p.m.

Christmas Day, Fun for Everyone, 10.00 a.m.

Sunday 29th, morning service at 11.00 a.m.

New Year’s Day, church open 3 p.m. for quiet reflection, shared communion at 4 p.m.

Sunday 5th, morning service at 11.00 a.m., with communion

Monday 6th, church prayer meeting, 7.30 p.m. in the Blue Room - all welcome

From Mark


In the New Year we will kick off a new series for the house groups. Leaders - pick up your new Leader’s Book from either Mark or Ann Nias.


This week we’ve said an au revoir to Ruth Hassell as she and her husband Greg move to Dorset to be nearer their daughter and family. We will miss Ruth but wish her and Greg all God’s blessings in their new adventure. We also celebrate with them the birth of a grandson on Sunday 15th December. May the Lord’s face shine upon that little one.

From Jeremy & Ruth


Dear Friends,


We are fast approaching a quarter of the way through this century! Where has the time gone? Our world seems to get more confused, yet we praise God that he is on the throne.


Please find our bi-monthly prayer letter at the button below. Thank you again for supporting us in prayer.


Happy Christmas and may God bless you richly in the new year.

Love from

Ruth and Jeremy


PS. From time to time we do share some items which are confidential. We appreciate it very much if you do not redistribute this prayer letter.

Christmas Appeal

The BMS World Mission Christmas appeal for 2024 'Special Delivery' is for mothers and babies in Chad. Special BMS envelopes will be available for your gifts and if you cannot get to our Christmas service you can watch the BMS video on the button below and give on any Sunday.

Thank you for your generous giving.

Christmas Cards


It is delightful to receive cards at Christmas and the fellowship have two ways to make "sending" cards easy.


There is a Christmas post box for cards for regular attenders at Magor Baptist Church.

The posting dates are from Sunday 1st December to Friday 20th December. The cards will be sorted on Saturday 21st December ready for collection on Sunday 22nd. PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL BE NO DELIVERY SERVICE


If you are making a donation towards the work of BMS as part of the Christmas card posting please put your donation either in the box or in the collection plate marked Christmas cards


Thank you

Christine M

Last Sunday of 2024 - In Memoriam

Our service on 29 December will include an ‘in memoriam’ for those within the fellowship who have died over this last year.

Church Magazine

The Christmas issue of the Church magazine is available on the church website and at the button below, and there are also some copies in the foyer.

Giving by Offertory Envelopes and Online

Offertory envelopes for 2025 are now available from John Loebl. If anyone else would like to have weekly envelopes for giving to the church or would like details of how to give online please also speak to John Loebl.

December Communion Offering - Raven House Trust

Raven House Trust is a local charity that believes that everyone should have access to food and shelter. They currently provide food, furniture and support to local people who need it. They do this through fundraising, food collections and selling furniture and other products in their charity shop.

Please use the button below as the link in the above poster won’t work.