Life Groups
In addition to our Sunday Services we also have small groups that meet once a week in the church and in homes to build friendships, read the bible and pray together.
Why not come along and visit us this Sunday. Introduce yourself to one of our welcome team and we will do everything possible to help settle you in.
Here are some other links to help you get to know the church..
Toddlers - for babies, toddlers
and their carers
We are very pleased to announce that our Sunbeams group are now meeting upstairs in the church on Mondays in term time from 9 - 11am. We use the back door by the car park.
Please come and join us for a relaxed time of friendship and support while the children play with our toys and enjoy our crafts! The session finishes with music and singing.
All children are welcome from birth to 5, so long as they bring a responsible adult with them! The sessions are £1 per family. Drinks and snacks are provided.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Bev Davies
Gill Arnold
Pat Edlin
Tina Liberson.
The Toddler Team
Coffee morning
We are pleased to announce we are now open again
every Friday from
10-00am to 12noon
In a friendly atmosphere we welcome folk to come and enjoy
coffee and scones at 50p each.
We also sell greeting cards at reasonable prices.
All proceeds are donated to local charities.
Love knitting and nattering?
Come along with your current knitting, crochet or sewing project, pull up a chair and have a cup of coffee.
When: Monday 1.30-3.30pm.
I can’t knit or crochet!
That’s ok! Come along and we can show you the basics! If you would like to learn we can lend you a pair of needles and some wool to get you started.
Where: in the small hall (school room) of the chapel
Do I have to pay to join?
No we don’t have a membership fee but invite a donation of £1 to cover the cost of the drinks. (anything over goes to the charities we support).
We look forward to meeting you
Our team
Please Contact Us for more information.