Children's Ministry


Sunday Club

Our children join us for the first part of the service, before we go to join with those on Zoom for the Bible story, singing and prayer time from the new time of 11:30 - 11:50 before doing a craft activity and maybe playing some games too! 

Please email to for the link if you're unable to attend in person.
Or text Bev on 07791677095 to join our
Sunday Club WhatsApp group. 

Looking forward to meeting you



Superheroes after school club

We are now meeting in the church building on Thursdays 3:30 - 4:30 for
Bible Stories, songs, games, prayers and crafts.  

The club is open to all local children aged 4-10. 
It is free, but donations are always welcome!

Please contact Bev at or on 07791677096
for more information or to register.

Our aim is to make sure every child can be themselves in a safe and welcoming environment. Our children's workers are DBS checked and have first aid and safeguarding training.